Soft and Fluffy Cream Cheese Scrambled Eggs
Serves: 2 servings
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 4 eggs
  • Salt
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • 1 ounce cream cheese
  • ½ small sprig rosemary, finely chopped
  1. Heat a medium sized skillet over low heat. Add butter and let melt while you whisk the eggs.
  2. In a medium bowl, whisk eggs and salt and pepper to taste. Whisk until fully combined and light yellow in color. Pour eggs into skillet and let sit until starting to set up slightly at the bottom. Keep the heat on low. It will take a little longer but keep the eggs soft. As the eggs start to set up, gently stir curds, making room for the liquid parts of the egg to cook at the bottom of the pan. Stir more for smaller curds, or less for larger. When the eggs are just about, but not completely cooked, turn off the heat and add the cream cheese in small chunks around the pan. Let sit for about 15 seconds or so to melt, then gently stir. The eggs should be completely done at this point. Transfer to a plate, top with rosemary, and serve.
Recipe by Wright Family Table at